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1. 精湛技艺,传承中医文化


2. 全方位服务,满足不同需求


3. 舒适环境,让您身心放松



1. 贴心服务,让顾客宾至如归


2. 透明消费,让您放心消费


3. 严格管理,确保服务质量
























1. 理论知识:中医基础理论、经络腧穴、按摩推拿手法等;
2. 实践操作:推拿手法、穴位按摩、刮痧、拔罐等;
3. 临床实战:针对常见病症的按摩推拿治疗;
4. 心理辅导:提高视障人士的心理素质,增强自信心。


1. 个性化教学:针对视障人士的生理特点,采用一对一教学,确保每位学员都能充分掌握技能;
2. 实用性强:培训内容紧密结合实际工作,学员毕业后可直接从事按摩推拿工作;
3. 资源共享:与知名医疗机构、按摩推拿机构合作,为学员提供实习和就业机会;
4. 心理关爱:关注视障人士的心理需求,定期开展心理辅导活动。



1. 提高了视障人士的就业竞争力,帮助他们实现自我价值;
2. 丰富了视障人士的生活,提高了他们的生活质量;
3. 推动了按摩推拿行业的发展,为行业注入了新鲜血液;
4. 弘扬了中华民族传统养生文化,促进了社会和谐。









1. 深层组织按摩:通过专业的手法,深入肌肉组织,缓解肌肉紧张,促进血液循环,达到放松身心的效果。

2. 泰式按摩:结合泰式按摩手法和瑜伽动作,帮助你调整身体姿态,缓解疲劳。

桑拿3. 热石按摩:利用加热后的石头,按摩身体穴位,促进血液循环,缓解肌肉酸痛。

4. 面部护理:采用天然植物精华,为你的肌肤提供深层滋养,使肌肤焕发光彩。

5. 足疗:通过对足部穴位的按摩,改善血液循环,缓解疲劳,让你从脚底开始放松。









1. 全身按摩:技师运用专业的手法,从头部到脚部,全方位为您舒缓肌肉紧张,促进血液循环,让您在按摩中逐渐放松。

2. 深层组织按摩:针对肌肉深层进行按摩,有效缓解肌肉疲劳,改善肌肉僵硬,让您感受到全身的轻松。

3. 泰式按摩:结合泰国的古老按摩手法,通过拉伸、扭转等动作,帮助您放松身心,缓解压力。

4. 瑞典按摩:运用轻柔的手法,结合舒缓的音乐和芳香精油,让您在轻松愉悦的氛围中享受按摩的乐趣。



1. 精油按摩:选用纯天然精油,结合专业的按摩手法,为您带来独特的香薰体验,缓解身心疲劳。

2. 热石理疗:运用加热后的光滑石块,通过热敷的方式,促进血液循环,缓解肌肉紧张。
3. 温泉浸泡:在温泉中浸泡,既能放松身心,又能享受温泉的养生功效。

4. 水疗:通过水的压力和温度,帮助您放松肌肉,改善血液循环,达到舒缓疲劳的效果。










1. 专业服务:广州的水疗按摩会所,大多拥有专业的技师团队,他们经过严格的培训和考核,具备丰富的实践经验,能够根据消费者的需求提供个性化的服务。

2. 优雅环境:广州的水疗按摩会所,一般都装修典雅,环境舒适,让消费者在享受服务的同时,也能感受到一种尊贵的氛围。

3. 多样化项目:广州的水疗按摩会所,提供的水疗和按摩项目种类繁多,如温泉、桑拿、热石、油压、推拿、刮痧等,满足不同消费者的需求。

4. 个性化定制:广州的水疗按摩会所,根据消费者的身体状况和喜好,提供个性化的服务方案,让消费者在享受服务的过程中,感受到被关爱的温暖。


1. 广州富力丽思卡尔顿水疗中心:位于广州CBD核心区域,拥有宽敞的休息区域和豪华的设施,提供多种水疗和按摩项目,如热石按摩、泰式按摩等。

2. 广州WINTER男士SPA会所:专为都市精英男士打造的高端SPA会所,提供桑拿、保健、高端水疗、特色SPA、按摩、养生等服务,环境优雅,服务周到。

3. 广州凤凰男士Spa会馆:位于市中心,环境优雅,交通便捷,提供桑拿、私人茶道、高端水疗、特色spa、催眠、油压、按摩等服务,满足各种高端类型客户的需求。
4. 广州某男士养生按摩会所:位于繁华地段,交通便利,环境优雅,技师专业,服务细心,提供修生养心类项目,深受消费者喜爱。


1. 选择正规的水疗按摩会所:在选择水疗按摩会所时,要选择具有正规资质的机构,以确保服务质量。

2. 提前预约:为了避免等待,建议提前预约水疗按摩服务。

3. 适当沟通:在享受服务的过程中,与技师保持良好的沟通,以便技师更好地了解您的需求。

4. 注意个人卫生:在享受水疗按摩服务时,要注意个人卫生,以免交叉感染。






1. **《基础推拿按摩教程》**

2. **《中医推拿按摩治疗常见病》**

3. **《儿童推拿按摩》**

4. **《穴位按摩养生》**

5. **《足部按摩教程》**

桑拿6. **《美容保健推拿》**


1. **选择正规渠道学习**:在众多推拿按摩教学视频中,选择权威、正规的渠道学习,以确保学习内容的准确性和实用性。

2. **循序渐进**:推拿按摩的学习需要一定的耐心和毅力,初学者应从基础手法开始,逐步提高。

3. **实践与理论相结合**:学习过程中,要多实践,多动手,将理论知识与实际操作相结合,提高按摩技巧。

4. **注意安全**:在按摩过程中,要确保被按摩者的安全,避免用力过猛或不当操作导致伤害。

5. **持续学习**:推拿按摩是一门深奥的学问,需要不断学习和实践,才能不断提高自己的按摩技能。











1. 轻柔:按摩师在操作过程中,手法轻柔,以避免给顾客带来不适。

2. 柔和:按摩师运用指、掌、肘等部位,进行揉、捏、拍、打等动作,使肌肉得到充分放松。

3. 准确:按摩师在操作过程中,注重找准穴位,以达到最佳的治疗效果。

桑拿4. 稳定:按摩师在操作过程中,保持稳定的心态和手法,使顾客感受到舒适。



1. 缓解疲劳:通过按摩,可以促进血液循环,缓解肌肉紧张,使人身心得到放松。

2. 改善睡眠:按摩有助于调整神经系统,提高睡眠质量。

3. 消除疼痛:针对肌肉酸痛、关节疼痛等症状,花山按摩具有明显的缓解作用。

4. 增强免疫力:按摩可以增强人体免疫力,预防疾病。

5. 延缓衰老:通过按摩,可以促进新陈代谢,延缓衰老。



1. 独特的手法:花山按摩具有独特的按摩手法,深受顾客喜爱。

2. 深厚的文化底蕴:花山按摩承载着我国传统养生文化的精髓,具有较高的文化价值。

3. 广泛的市场需求:随着人们对健康养生的关注,花山按摩的市场需求逐年上升。

4. 创新发展:在传承传统手法的基础上,花山按摩不断创新,推出更多适应现代人的按摩项目。


Zhou Yi and Professor Brand exchanged pleasantries, and both sides eagerly plunged into the work, found a piece of land and began to arrange it.

First of all, the information brought by Professor Brand has been preliminarily sorted out in Huantai. Zhou Kun will send someone to sort out the wormhole and black hole phase again for further study.
In this issue, Professor Brand and these people will also help.
In addition, Yi Yehua’s research team will also study the combination with Professor Brand and jointly study black holes and wormholes.
Although the gravity equation can’t be solved now, the study of celestial phenomena such as wormholes and black holes can greatly promote the progress of physics.
Then there is space flight.
This is Jody’s area of responsibility.
He touched the bar and suddenly said, "Operation Lazarus astronauts have been sending messages to us face to face. I can help you receive those messages …"
Chapter 325 When you are wandering, go to class.
"I not only know how to receive their messages, but also know the decryption method. We can intercept the messages coming back from the opposite side of the wormhole."
Jody talks a lot.
Zhou Kun was a little reserved. He coughed twice. "Isn’t that a good idea?"
Jody patted his chest and insisted on receiving the signal. "We can receive the Lazarus action signal without any negative impact, and the rest of NASA staff can receive the signal and decrypt it."
"That’s the trouble for Director Jody." Having said that, Zhou Kun can also promise to wait until later to prepare for Jody what he needs to receive the signal.
Whether they need satellites or antennas, they can fully meet them now.
Although it feels a little NR, this matter has been decided.
Zhou Kun turned around and faced Cooper and others with a document in his hand. "You were all trained astronauts by NASA, weren’t you?"
"Yes, sir." Cooper looked at Zhou Kun’s ear wearing a small device that was said to be from the No.3 translator, which somehow made him feel strange and nervous.
He can really realize that he is no longer at home or at NASA base through the cold touch of headphones.
They went through the time tunnel to the parallel, stayed for one night, saw the scenery there, and then returned to their own time and came to this former rival site.
But now here has become a place of hope.
In the future, human beings, including himself, his family and his compatriots, will closely connect the land he built all his life …
Next to Amelia, Doyle and Romilly, they also stood at attention and looked up.
All four people except Cooper have been selected for the last operation. According to the original plan, they will carry out the last link of Lazarus operation.
That is, the three planets with possible conditions will be confirmed for the second time, and plan B will be implemented according to the situation.
However, due to the rapid change of the situation, their last action has been cancelled, and they have also been collected here to follow the arrangement of the mutual aid association.
Zhou Kun said with a smile, "You are all heroes who may save mankind in the future. We are not too nervous. We attach great importance to you."
"Now I need to have a detailed understanding of your situation. Please let Director Jody cooperate with you."
Zhou Kun sent the document, which said that many questions were trained by Amelia before.
The mutual aid society and the space agency must know exactly where the astronauts have been trained, so that they can be assigned corresponding positions.
Although all these people arrived at the wormhole in the original book by spaceship, it was the original trajectory, and there was no mutual aid in that trajectory.
No one can be sure what kind of butterfly effect has been caused by the mutual rescue meeting at this time.
The questionnaire survey soon ended, and Zhou Kun also pulled out Cooper’s four files, and then read the questionnaire and archives department, and he got an unsatisfactory result.
"The training is still not solid enough, and it will be difficult for you to cope in case of any accident."
Hearing his words, Cooper and Amelia couldn’t help but bow their heads and feel a little uneasy.
Zhou Kun’s words have been euphemistically said.
In front of his eyes, these four people can be said to have completed the most basic space training, but the spacecraft can sail safely with high automation, but in case of any accident, there will be an accident if there is no accident at that time
Moreover, among the four people, Cooper has retired for more than ten years, and he has been driving a tractor for a long time than driving a spaceship.
Even at the beginning, no matter how high the level is, it must be rusty.
Jody helped to explain that "they are already the highest-level astronauts in our country because of the overall social decline."
It is good that three people can complete basic space training if the training equipment is not found neatly.
"It’s true that the level of the three of them is the best in this world." Zhou Kun nodded and agreed with Jody’s statement. "But we can’t focus on the present and the future."
"So … will we be disqualified?" Amelia asked.
Cooper is getting more and more nervous. He abandoned his family and a gesture of treason to come here. He won’t even give him this chance to do some dirty work, will he?
The other two, Doyle and Romilly, were so nervous that they almost forgot to breathe, and their faces were flushed at the moment.
"Don’t worry!" Zhou Kun waved his hand. "We have considered this situation before and made some arrangements before."
"You will go to training with our people on the 3rd. There is a university where astronauts have been trained all the time."
"We agreed with the other side that you should also go there to take a lesson, make up the foundation, and then you can come back and carry it out."
The ultimate goal of exploring a livable new planet is to migrate people from their planet. In this process, he can give appropriate help, but it is impossible for them to do nothing.
What’s more, if they don’t even send a word to the astronauts in this process, they will feel ashamed.
Zhou Kun and Yuan Heguang have already woken up to this matter for a long time. Some time ago, Zhang Tianyuan successfully reached a bilateral cooperation with Sun Deyi.
Anyway, this is not difficult for wandering, so it is necessary to expand the scale of an astronaut training class
Besides, when people really move to a new planet in the future, they have to beg Yuan Heguang to set up a research institute to study the big black hole in heaven.
This little thing is a pre-investment.
Besides, there is Zhang Tianyuan’s face in it. Otherwise, no matter how smooth it is, Yuan Heguang will have to learn a little.
They don’t know how many scales Cooper are hidden behind the training when they can be sent to No.3, but they are relieved when they hear that they will not be kicked out directly.
It’s good not to come for nothing.
The four people excitedly thanked Zhou Kun for saluting.
Zhou Kun smiled, "If you don’t thank me, President Zhang and President Yuan are the ones you want to thank, but if you really want to thank them, then train hard."
Amelia heard the consciousness looking for Zhang Tianyuan’s figure, only to find that he was not in the factory …
Chapter 326 Disagreements from time to time
In the conference room
Zhang Tianyuan sat in front of his desk with one document after another, sitting on his left and right. At present, there are seven presidents of mutual aid societies that have been established or are about to be established.
At the same time, there is also the commander-in-chief when Ke marched into the garrison.
This is a timely meeting.
The topic of the meeting was "What should the official institutions do when facing a particularly serious disaster or when the mutual aid society is evil?"
Since North America showed extreme disagreement the day after tomorrow, this issue has begun to rise in the mutual aid department.
I haven’t been here since the North American tragedy, which is bound to be recorded in the history of mutual aid associations about three months ago, reached its peak.
Less than 100 million people were frozen to death in the super storm that swept across North America.
Even if the rescue team of the mutual aid association and the North American Civil Guard rescued some people one after another, the figure of 100 million yuan was a little insignificant.
The number of casualties in this incident is ridiculous enough. What’s even more ridiculous is that when North America got the mutual aid warning No.1, Carl, the vice president of the North American branch, directly relied on Washington, but he couldn’t get Baker to take even a little action …
Even after Baker and his company died in vain, 100 million lives could not come back in the storm.
Up to now, the discussion about this tragedy is not limited to the Ministry of Mutual Aid.
When you are a little more stable, such as "212", Qi, and Huan Tai, they have already made a big noise because of this matter.
Even when I was used to dying before I died, I was shocked by this tragedy when I was wandering in most cities.

"These two guardian spirits belong to the big scorch level, saying that the guardian spirits are very strong. If Song Jie’s spiritual strength can’t break through the scorch method, likui jy’s real strength and terror can be exerted. Your calling level is really no match for him."

"oh? You mean he’s got two guardian spirits? !”
"yes! Accurately, it’s a guardian spirit with a large degree of scorching heat. likui jy’s undead Lu Zhishen Song Jie is not Wu Shen’s body. He can contract a guardian spirit place. He has been refining the puppet spirits with evil spirits. From the information obtained by the evil spirits from the second tribute, it seems that there is not much time left before the refining success. But Lu Zhishen’s puppet spirits have been refining successfully. "
"According to my estimation, master, there is less than a 30% chance that you will succeed in killing Song Jie terror."
"Plus, Song Jie’s hand has me, and the master will suddenly kill Song Jie alone. I’m afraid the success rate will drop by ten percent, and there is a maximum of twenty percent chance of success."
"There are twenty percent? !”
Du Yu corners of the mouth raised. He doesn’t agree with the estimation result of Kui’s corpse that he has a calling level in Hell, but the success rate of his ability card to kill Song Jie is about 50% less.
Although the 50% chance is different from gambling with his own life, Dan Duyu must gamble. If Du Yu does not enter the border as soon as possible to get rid of Song Jie, the longer it takes, the more unfavorable it will be for Du Yu.
On the one hand, the advanced speed of Du Yu is definitely better than that of Song Jie, but the longer it takes, the greater the gap between them.
On the other hand, it will be more difficult for Du Yu to kill Song Jie once Song Jie helps the monk Lu Zhishen to refine the puppet messenger.
After a long time, Du Yu understood clearly the strength of Song Jie from the mouth of the chief corpse, and let the chief corpse retreat to the lobby alone to meditate.
"My physical strength plus calling level spiritual strength combined with the ability to go against the sky in every spring, I definitely have a chance to kill Song Jie, no matter if I kill it tonight!"
Chief resin withdrew from the lobby with a firm look in his eyes. Since its spiritual core was controlled by Du Yu, it has no retreat.
Kui corpse must obey Du Yu’s orders if it wants to live. Now Du Yu’s goal is to kill its original owner, Song Jie, and even if it doesn’t want to, it has to follow in Du Yu’s footsteps.
There is still a chance to follow Du Yu and betray Du Yu.
Suokui resin can keep telling himself in his heart that since his master Du Yu decided to kill the world tonight, he must have a card and a subsequent hand that he didn’t know.
Then it must choose to trust its owner, Du Yu. The only thing it can do is to ask Du Yu to finish it.
"If nothing unexpected happens, the army of evil spirits can really disperse the fighting power of Song Jie’s Black Armored Army." The chief corpse turned around and looked at Du Yu in the lobby. "If the owner can kill Song Jie, the victory in this world war I must belong to us."
PS starts to resume every two days today. If there is a reward, it will be more.
There are fewer words in this chapter, and the next chapters are all 3K chapters.
At the end of the month, it will explode again, and it will still be ten.
Finally, continue to ask for subscription, monthly ticket and recommendation.
Chapter one hundred and seventeen Ghosts nocturnal ()
The night in Liangjie is cold and dead, and you can hear the wailing of evil spirits everywhere. The undead are swallowed up and cry for help at the last minute.
A low-level evil spirit wandered around the street in a corner outside Liangjie. It shook its head and was hungry, forcing it to devour all the undead it could see.
Suddenly, the evil spirit raised its head and seemed to find something delicious and kept sniffing in a certain direction.
Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!
The evil spirit growled and stopped hunger, making it sure that there was something that attracted it extremely in that direction, and it began to pile up and move in the direction of tempting it.
This situation began to spread like a virus, and before you know it, the whole outside of Liangjie has undergone frightening changes, and countless evil spirits have gone in the direction of the boundary. They growled and growled, and they rushed to the boundary wall like accusing them of hatred.
Liang Jie yi Chu shan tou
"master! The evil spirits have gone to the boundary wall. "The chief resin leaned down and reported to Du Yu that she had just received information and waited for Du Yuda to receive the order.
See Du Yu dressed in every spring withered vines condensed into a spirit armor, staring at the direction of the world as usual. After a moment of silence, he waved his arm and shot a black streamer at the chief resin. It was a day when Du Yu personally made a black armor.
"This set of armor is for you!"
Du Yu said slowly that although the black armor has a good attribute, it is really a little worse than the rattan armor in spring. Du Yu decided to give this armor to the chief resin.
Therefore, the chief corpse who is about to face the battle is still dressed as a Qing military attache. Du Yu can’t feel the slightest fluctuation of spiritual force from its equipment. Obviously, it is a set of ordinary clothes that reminds him that he still has a set of black armor and gives it to the chief corpse.
"This is? ! Black armor? ! But also the highest quality captain armor! "
Chief resin stared at the body armor in amazement. Although I don’t know where Du Yu got this armor, Dan Duyu can give it such a precious armor, which really makes it grateful. After all, at this moment, it can enslave Chief resin even if Du Yu treats it like a dog. Du Yu is grateful even if it is better for Chief resin, which makes Chief resin feel that it is not a bad thing to follow Du Yu.
"PSST ~ PSST ~ Master, the low-level evil spirits have almost reached the boundary wall. When will our high-level evil spirits be sent out?" Chief resin asked.
"Don’t worry! Wait a minute! "
Du Yu, light the number of senior evil spirits. Generally speaking, the number is not good. These senior evil spirits are not low in spirit, but also convenient to control. Du Yu will put them on the battlefield without planning. Let the army of low-level evil spirits be used as cannon fodder to consume the spiritual strength of the Black Armored Army!
Apparently chief resin general also guessed that Du Yu intended to turn around and ordered an evil spirit "you! Go and smoke out an evil spirit squad, and then attract more evil spirits. "
"yes! General! "
Du Yu saw the chief corpse out of the corner of his eye. I didn’t expect that this seemingly stupid zombie still had some remarkable places to launch the ability of withering vines in spring. It is still worthwhile to put it into the first sleepy spirit.
After the battle of the secret of zombie lineage, Du Yu handed over the corpse corpse to Du Xue to let Du Xueli’s heterosexual world technology see if it can solve the mystery of zombie immortality, and it is best to develop a bloodline potion to help Du Yu gain immortality.
Even if you can’t live forever, it will greatly prolong your life and enhance your physical fitness.
When the corpse incense spirit of the army of evil spirits lured one after another to the boundary, they were torn into pieces by the eyeliner of the corpse of the army of hidden evil spirits, and the spirits scattered on the walls, which made the spirits’ spirit force fluctuate and stimulate the madness to begin to impact the city walls.
When the army of evil spirits tied the knot early, the Black Armored Army found out that the evil spirits were on abnormal duty, and the Black Armored Army reported the news to their team leader, who then reported it to the Black Armored Army and the leader of the day.
When I got the news, Tian Meng realized that the situation was wrong, and immediately reached a conclusion. The Black Armored Army rushed to the boundary wall. This time, the report had already delayed the best opportunity for the war. The army of evil spirits had already arrived in the city and began to smash the wall crazily, because they had already felt tens of thousands of delicious undead behind the wall.
If you want them to break through the wall, you can eat delicious food. The undead get such a simple answer. The army of evil spirits is even more crazy.
"master! Low-level undead roots can’t break the boundary wall. Do we need to send high-level evil spirits? !”
Kui corpse received the latest intelligence report to Du Yu and asked Du Yu about the next action.
"no! Wait a minute! "
Du Yu once again refused to discuss the chief corpse. He used to be in the Black Armored Army and joined the Fighter Spirit Team. He is very familiar with the force configuration of Liangjie.
Judging from the information reported by the chief corpse, it is not the time to send senior evil spirits, and they need to wait until the most appropriate time.
"yes! Master! " Chief resin didn’t ask Du Yu why he didn’t send senior evil spirits, because it knew that Du Yu must have his intention in doing so, because Chief resin’s spirit could not guess his intention.
After a long time, the army of evil spirits gathered outside the city wall has been endless like a flood. They scrambled for fear and climbed towards the city wall, slowly tired into a ladder of evil spirits, devouring all the edible spirits in front of them with constant roar.
The city wall was fierce and finally arrived at the Black Armored Army. The captain of the 12 th detachment was also called to the city wall, and the position of the former Yang Dog’s third detachment was occupied by a burly and strong man because of the bizarre disappearance of Yang Dog.
The undead are connected to the place where Yang Dog went to Du Yu, but people are interested. It can be seen that the human feelings in the Black Armored Army are warm and cold
"These ants are generally evil spirits. Since they dare to take the initiative to attack the world, they are simply looking for their own way!"
Day fierce stuffy face juryman yoshimitsu everywhere behind him, a huge green cow appeared impressively is his guardian spirit. With the fierce anger of the day, the bull kept spitting out its anger, stepping on its huge hoof and shaking the wall.
"Twelve teams team leader department give me out of the city! Kill every one of these ant-like evil spirits! "
Day fierce to twelve have long been scared by day fierce anger division captain hurriedly pull out and rushed to the outside.
After all, I didn’t know that they believed that the evil spirits besieged the city. In the final analysis, this kind of thing was caused by the fact that they failed to clear the evil spirits near the boundary when the black armor army failed. If Song Jie was asked, which unlucky team leader would be executed sometime?
"kill! Kill all these evil spirits! "
Twelve black armor division captains rushed to the army of evil spirits with their own black armor, and the evil spirits had long been crazy. As soon as they found the black armor, they immediately rushed towards the black armor.
Then the army of evil spirits of the Black Armored Army launched a fierce fight. Although the individual strength of the Black Armored Army was stronger than that of the low-level evil spirits, their number was far more than a hundred times that of a large number of evil spirits.
With such a huge gap, the impact was not obvious at the beginning of the battle, but as the battle dragged on for a long time, some black armor troops began to die because of lack of spiritual strength.
Seeing a black armor soldier whose spiritual strength was exhausted, he was caught off guard by an evil spirit and was dragged into the tide of evil spirits. In a blink of an eye, it was completely eaten, even if there was no spirit left.